Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Harbour Entryway Signs

This is a project I did a few years back long before I started my business but I figured I would share it because I am proud of the work and I would like others to again see what I am capable of.   "The Harbour" is my own community.  I served for a time on the community association board.  The old entryway signs were falling apart they were hand carved wooden signs that had been in place for probably 20 or more years.  They were weather damaged, termite eaten, and generally rotting off the brick pillars that supported them. 
I don't have any photos of the old signs but what I built was an exact duplicate.  I dismantled the old signs and reassembled them in my driveway and using a large roll of paper did a relief rub of the sign to make a template.  I wanted to keep the hand carved look but make it from much sturdier materials that would better stand the test of time. 

I chose to use hardiboard siding which comes in two textures.... wood grain and stucco.  Hardiboard.... if your not familiar with it is essentially pressed concrete which makes it impervious to moisture and pests.   I cut the design out of the wood grain pannels and used liquid nails to affix the cut out pieces over the stucco pannel which does give the look of chissel marks in wood... pretty creative I thought... anyway... to finish it out I caulked around all the cut areas and painted it to match the old signs and framed it in composite decking boards which are made from recycled plastics.... again impervious to moisture or pest.   See the below photos... again these are about 5 years old or so now and probably in need of some touch up painting but just the same they look great and will likely last the lifetime...

I also rebuilt the pannel sections on either side of the sign out of the same composite decking boards and replaced the pier / pylon retaining wall sections in front of it and wrapped some sturdy ropes around several of them to further the "Harbour" theme.   As always... thanks for looking

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