The services I can provide include but are not limited to:
- Interior & Exterior Painting
- Pressure Washing
- Tile and Hardwood Flooring Installation
- Trim & Moulding Installation
- Drywall Repair & Installation
- Tree Trimming, Gutter Cleaning & Yard Clean Up
- Wood Rot Repair / Replacement
- Decks & Fence Repair / Replacement
I launched this business in 2011 and this is the first truck I purchased for work.
In 2015 for a variety of personal reasons I shut down the company.
Now in 2021 I have re-launched the company and these are pictures of my new truck so you will be sure to recognize it.
Please allow me to tell you a little about myself.
First and foremost I am a family man... Married for 27 years now to my beautiful wife (Michelle) and we have 3 wonderful children (Hunter, Eli, & Rachel). My family is important to me. They are the reason I rise every morning and drag my self home every evening. I will work hard for you so I can provide for them.
I am a believing man.... Enough said!
Additionally, I have been a member and drilling Reserve Officer in the Army with more than 29 years of service. (The first 4 years being Marine Corps Reserve) I've been twice deployed. Once to Iraq (2008-2009) and once to Afghanistan (2002) and was a Company Commander on my most recent of the two deployments which placed 146 soldiers adn a 41 million dollar property book under my direct control and supervision. I also hold a high level security clearance and currently hold the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. I've just come off of active orders for the past 4 years and am looking to retire soon.... hence the reason I am restarting my business.
So I told you all of that to tell you simply this.....
I encourage you to know who you are hiring. Always check licensure and insurance information prior to hiring anyone and ensure they give you a written contract for any work that spells out how the job is to be performed and to what standard, prior any work beginning. You can count on these things from me but even if you decide not to hire me the advice still stands for any other you might hire. Remember that the lowest estimate doesn't always translate in to the highest quality of work or good moral character of those doing the work.
You should know that I will never ask for any money up front on a job unless there are large initial material costs involved. You should also know that I will always look for ways to save you money. I will never attempt to over sell a job or try and trick you into spending more on things you don't need. In fact, I will recommend against getting work done that I don't believe needs to be done. (you can see examples of this in some of my blog / job posts) If you are on a budget, want to cut your costs and are interested in performing some of your own work, I will often rebate your own labor at the same rate it would cost me to hire someone for help.
You should know that I will never ask for any money up front on a job unless there are large initial material costs involved. You should also know that I will always look for ways to save you money. I will never attempt to over sell a job or try and trick you into spending more on things you don't need. In fact, I will recommend against getting work done that I don't believe needs to be done. (you can see examples of this in some of my blog / job posts) If you are on a budget, want to cut your costs and are interested in performing some of your own work, I will often rebate your own labor at the same rate it would cost me to hire someone for help.
This business, was initially a part time endeavor when it was first launched as I was still working another full time career in law enforcement and part time career in the military. Now that I am preparing to retire from the military and have already retired from law enforcement, I will be working full time to build my business and continue providing for my family while doing something that I love to do.
The long story short..... After many years of marriage, several homes, and being a DIY guy who doesn't buy junk for tools; I found myself staring at a garage full of high end tools that were begging to be use more frequently than just on my own projects.
One more thing about my company that makes it unique is that I happen to own a bucket / cherry picker / lift truck. This enables me to do several things that most others can not do. I can trim trees or paint, pressure wash and repair the exterior of a 3 story building or home with hardly ever the need of a ladder. This means that I can work very efficiently and effectively which saves me time and you money. It also enables me to do other commercial applications such as changing light bulbs in parking lots or taking an aerial photograph of an event or activity.
If you should ever find yourself in need of such services I hope you will contact me at:
or call/text me directly at (904) 626-6833
Forms of payment accepted:
- Personal or Bank Check
- Cash
Forms of payment accepted:
- Personal or Bank Check
- Cash
- Pay Pal
- Credit Card (Visa, Master Card, Discovery)
- I've also been known to barter.
- Credit Card (Visa, Master Card, Discovery)
- I've also been known to barter.
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